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MECEAP - Miisy

Mercado Eletronico Cloud Enabled Application Platform


Miisy is a high level PaaS designed to deliver modern enterprise applications. The platform provides all infra structure ties, allowing teams to focus on business level components.


  • Dependency Injection with Spring Framework
  • Web application, RestFul endpoints or web services with Spring MVC and CXF
  • Transparent Storage: Teams just create the models no tied to any specific environment or storage technology
  • Business Documents: Simple or Complex business documents can be defined in order to communicate, transact, analyse, etc.
  • Search: All filtering and searching are available with no extra configuration
  • Sharing: The Documents can be shared with users, groups or companies
  • Attachments: Keep files associated to your business documents
  • Relationship: Keep Documents named association ("is related to", "is child of", "belongs to", etc)
  • List, grids, widgets: Keep track of documents using different visual components
  • Roles and Permissions: Defined by code annotations or configuration (using Spring Security)
  • Chat: Internal chat system
  • Auditing: Keep track of all changes made on any Document

Getting Started

Installing Guide

Detailed requirements and instructions to prepare your local environment here

Miisy 101

First steps on MECEAP? See your Miisy 101 article. Everything up and running in 20 minutes or less is here

Main Topics