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Data Changelog

We strongly advise you to download and configure changelog schemas at your IntelliJ IDEA, this will be necessary to obtain IntelliSense when editing. More information here.

The platform provides a schema definition based on changelog/changeset to manipulate structures that need existing data, such as, Filter Criterion.

Supported Operations


  • dataObjectDataSourceCriteria: Set criteria for an existing DataSource related to a DataObject.


  • subDocumentExpressionCriteria: Set criteria for an existing Expression related to a SubDocument and DocumentType.


  • humanBeingDataSourceCriteria: Set criteria for an existing HumanBeingDataSource.


  • macroCriteria: Set criteria for an existing Macro.
  • addOrChangeMacroFunction: Add Or change Macro Function.
  • addMacroFunction: Add Macro Function.
  • changeMacroFunction: Change Macro Function.
  • removeMacroFunction: Remove Macro Function.

Dynamic Filter

  • dynamicFilterCriteria: Set criteria for an existing Dynamic Filter.


  • addOrChangeTrackingProcess: Add Or change Tracking Process.
  • addTrackingProcess: Add Tracking Process.
  • changeTrackingProcess: Change Tracking Process.
  • removeTrackingProcess: Remove Tracking Process.
  • addOrChangeTrackingPhase: Add or change Tracking Phase for an existing Tracking Process.
  • addTrackingPhase: Add Tracking Phase for an existing Tracking Process.
  • changeTrackingPhase: Change Tracking Phase for an existing Tracking Process.
  • removeTrackingPhase: Remove Tracking Phase from an existing Tracking Process.
  • addOrChangeTrackingPhaseIndicator: Add or change Indicator for an existing Tracking Phase.
  • addTrackingPhaseIndicator: Add Indicator for an existing Tracking Phase.
  • changeTrackingPhaseIndicator: Change Indicator for an existing Tracking Phase.
  • removeTrackingPhaseIndicator: Remove Indicator from an existing Tracking Phase.

Template Data

  • addOrChangeTemplateData: Add Or change Template Data.
  • addTemplateData: Add Template Data.
  • changeTemplateData: Change Template Data.
  • removeTemplateData: Remove Template Data.
Document Type Data
  • addOrChangeTemplateDataDocTypeData: Add or change Document Type Data for an existing Template Data.
  • addTemplateDataDocTypeData: Add Document Type Data for an existing Template Data.
  • changeTemplateDataDocTypeData: Change Document Type Data for an existing Template Data.
  • removeTemplateDataDocTypeData: Remove Document Type Data from an existing Template Data.
  • addOrChangeTemplateDataField: Add or change Field for an existing Template Data Document Type Data.
  • addTemplateDataField: Add Field for an existing Template Data Document Type Data.
  • changeTemplateDataField: Change Field for an existing Template Data Document Type Data.
  • removeTemplateDataField: Remove Field from an existing Template Data Document Type Data.
  • addOrChangeTrackingPhaseIndicator: Add or change Macro for an existing Template Data. AppBuilder compatibility
  • addTrackingPhaseIndicator: Add Macro for an existing Template Data.
  • removeTrackingPhaseIndicator: Remove Macro from an existing Template Data.
  • addCalendar: Add System Calendar.
  • changeCalendar: Change System Calendar.
  • addOrChangeCalendar: Add or change System Calendar.
  • removeCalendar: Remove System Calendar.
  • addCalendarResource: Add Calendar Resource.
  • changeCalendarResource: Change Calendar Resource.
  • addOrChangeCalendarResource: Add or change Calendar Resource.
  • removeCalendarResource: Remove Calendar Resource.
  • addCalendarPeriod: Add Calendar Period.
  • changeCalendarPeriod: Change Calendar Period.
  • addOrChangeCalendarPeriod: Add or change Calendar Period.
  • removeCalendarPeriod: Remove Calendar Period.
  • addCalendarHoliday: Add Calendar Holiday.
  • changeCalendarHoliday: Change Calendar Holiday.
  • addOrChangeCalendarHoliday: Add or change Calendar Holiday.
  • removeCalendarHoliday: Remove Calendar Holiday.
Role And Permission
  • addRole: Add Role, here you can configure if default permissions will be added to the role addDefaultPermissions=true.
  • changeRole: Change Role.
  • addOrChangeRole: Add or change Role.
  • removeRole: Remove Role.
  • addOrChangePermission: Add or change Permission.
  • addPermission: Add Permission.
  • changePermission: Change Permission.
  • removePermission: Remove Permission.
Report Filter
  • addReportFilter: Add Report Filter for an existing Document Type.
  • changeReportFilter: Change Report Filter for an existing Document Type.
  • addOrChangeReportFilter: Add or Change Report Filter for an existing Document Type.
  • removeReportFilter: Remove Report Filter for an existing Document Type.

AppBuilder compatibility: Operations marked as AppBuilder compatibility has no effect for change, only add the target object if not exists.

Changelog File

Main structure

As demonstrated below, the root element of a changelog file is changelog, it supports n changesets.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<changeLog xmlns=""
    <changeSet author="author 01" description="changeset description 01" id="01-01-0001" runAlways="false" runOnChange="false" failOnError="true">
    <changeSet author="author 02" description="changeset description 02" id="01-01-0002" runAlways="false" runOnChange="false" failOnError="true">
    <changeSet author="author n" description="changeset description n..." id="n-n-n..." runAlways="false" runOnChange="false" failOnError="true">

Must be stored at src\main\mapping\changelogdata and must have the extension. Example: \customroot\core\src\main\mapping\changelogdata\

Use .ext in the filename when working with application extensions. Example:

ChangeSet element

ChangeSet is the root element for all supported operations, it's possible to define 0..n of each operation.

Example of use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<changeLog xmlns=""
    <changeSet author="author" description="update criteria for datasource" id="01-01-0001" runAlways="false" runOnChange="false"
        <dataObjectDataSourceCriteria dataObject="MyDataObjectBaseName" name="MyDataSourceName">
            <criteria fieldName="information.requester" operator="is" originalPath="information" value="User Name"/>
            <criteria fieldName="information.listener" operator="contains" value="User Name"/>
            <criteria fieldName="amountCalc" operator="greaterThan" value="10"/>
    <changeSet author="author" description="update criteria for myExpression" id="01-01-0002" runAlways="false" runOnChange="false"
        <subDocumentExpressionCriteria documentType="MyDocumentType" name="myExpression"
            <criteria fieldName="header.information.requester" operator="is" originalPath="header.information"
                      value="User Name"/>
            <criteria fieldName="header.information.requester" operator="contains" value="User Name"/>
  • You can make many operations at the same changeset, but break in multiples changesets is more readable and easy to maintain.
  • Don't forget to read about changelog master file. More information here.

XSD Download

How to manually configure xsd location at IntelliJ IDEA for IntelliSense here.