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Schema - Mixed-Mode

For now, previous mapping files will work, such as: dom.xml for DataObject, ddm.xml for DocumentType, and so on. You can mix this previous approach with the new one, that means you can have at the same project ddm.xml and .changelog.xml files for example.


You should have in mind that MECEAP has a specific order to execute mapping files. For example, dom.xml DataObjects, ddm.xml for DocumentType are executed before changelog.xml.

Now let's suppose you create a DataObject through changelog and change one DocumentType ddm.xml adding a new DocumentTypeData with the type of the brand new DataObject you've just created. Unfortunately this won't work.

And the reason is very simple, as I said before, ddm.xml are processed before changelog, so, when the new DocumentTypeData is on creation the DataObject will not exists.

To correctly accomplish this creation, you should create the DataObject and the DocumentTypeData through changelog.