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Field Params

Definition of params to DataObject's fields.



  • JavaType:
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
multiple true false Allow multiples attachments.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
acceptFileTypes false Accepted file type extensions, example of use: pdf,jpg,xlsx.
type false Allow storing extra information on attachment. Any information of selected type can be used.


  • JavaType: java.lang.Boolean.
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
ignore false false It does not allow cyclical reference serialization json.
sortable false false Sortable.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType: org.joda.time.DateTime.
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
futureDate false false The date will be validated in the future. Useful to avoid date imputed in the past.
ignore false false It does not allow cyclical reference serialization json.
pastDate false false The date will be validated in the past. Useful to avoid date imputed in the future.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
showHours false false Date will be displayed with hours.
sortable false false Sortable.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType: java.math.BigDecimal.
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
decimalPlaces 2 true The number of decimal places.
ignore false false It does not allow cyclical reference serialization json.
maxValue 999999 true The maximum numeric value supported by this field.
minValue 1 true The minimum numeric value supported by this field.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
sortable false false Sortable.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType:
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType:
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
dataSource false Defines the data source used to get data.
refreshReference true false Platform will always save the newest value. This is useful to avoid showing inconsistent data to the user.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType: java.lang.Integer.
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
customFormatter false The name of the function used in client-side to render the value of the column on the grid.
customSorter false The name of the function used in client-side to sort column data on the grid.
ignore false false It does not allow cyclical reference serialization json.
maxValue 999999 true The maximum numeric value supported by this field.
minValue 1 true The minimum numeric value supported by this field.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
sortable false false Sortable.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType: java.lang.Object.
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
customFormatter false The name of the function used in client-side to render the value of the column on the grid.
customRenderer false The name of the function used in client-side to render.
dataSource true Defines the data source used to get data.
foreignKey false Unique Key relation between the data.
ignore false false It does not allow cyclical reference serialization json.
refreshReference true false Platform will always save the newest value. This is useful to avoid showing inconsistent data to the user.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
sortable false false Sortable.
textField true The text field which data will be shown.
type true Allow storing extra information on attachment. Any information of selected type can be used.
updatable false false Updatable.


  • JavaType: java.lang.String.
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable true false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
customExcelRenderer false The name of bean used to render the value on excel.
customFormatter false The name of the function used in client-side to render the value of the column on the grid.
customSorter false The name of the function used in client-side to sort column data on the grid.
email false false The field will be validate as e-mail. Useful to avoid invalid e-mails.
externalField false External Field Name from Object.
ignore false false It does not allow cyclical reference serialization json.
length 50 true The maximum number of characters in this field.
markDownEditor false false The field will be rendered as a markdown editor component.
meTextEditor false false The field will be rendered as a text editor component.
minLength 0 true The minimum number of characters in this field.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
sortable false false Sortable.
updatable true false Updatable.
useTextArea false false The field will be rendered as a simple textarea component.


  • JavaType:
Param Default Value Required Description
auditable false false Indicates the platform to record change history on this field.
length 50 true The maximum number of characters in this field.
minLength 0 true The minimum number of characters in this field.
required false false The field will be validated as required.
sortable false false Sortable.