This feature allow us to know how much fields has in the elastic search mapping and validate it before create a new dtd or field in a data object that is used in a dtd that will exceeded the limit
The number of mapped fields will be shown in document type data page
This alert at the top of the page is fixed when the difference between limit and mapped fields is lower than 1000
The color of mapped fields can be green, orange or red, if the diference between limit and mapped fields is lower than 500 it's read, lower than 1000 orange, greather than 1000 greeen
- If a new dtd will cause mapping overflow, the dtd cant be created
The number of mapped fields is changed in runtime when a dtd is added or removed
- The field will not be created in the table if this is used in some dtd and the mapping limit will overflow
This feature can be disabled in config server
limit: 15000
enabled: true