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Changing default new task mail

Since version 2.60, users can change the email sent on new task creation, to achieve this a new flag was added to the configuration.

The BPM flag indicates to the system that this template should be used on new tasks, the system will also use the document as criteria when searching the template.

Customizing the email

When using the BPM flag, the follow structure will be available to compose the email:

  1. The task properties
  2. The document properties

Email Example

The following example demonstrates how to use the document and task properties:

The Template

Férias de $

Informamos que foi enviado a solicitação de férias de $  de $solicitacaodeferias.solicitacaodeFerias.inicio a $solicitacaodeferias.solicitacaodeFerias.fim

The Form

The Email Sent