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Maven Repository Configuration

First we need to configure the MECEAP repository for the maven archetype. Follow the following guide Maven Archetype Configuration in case you haven't yet made this configuration.

  • More details about maven archetype and how to use it, can be found in the following guide: Miisy 101

Creating a new application using an IDE

You will see how to integrate the application creation in an web environment (MECEAP platform) together with a software development in your IDE, using the resources provided by the MECEAP platform. This new sample application will manipulate products categories in a simple fashion way.

Open the Configuration menu - Custom Code

Click Instructions

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Make sure you have maven configured in your machine

Follow step 1 - Create Project from achetype

Copy the maven archetype command displayed in your app custom code to generate your project.

mvn archetype:generate "" "-DarchetypeArtifactId=ceap-archetype" "-DarchetypeVersion=1.7.1-RELEASE" (...) -P MECEAP

Enter CEAP password and click Enter

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Answer Y to the question, and press Enter

At this time the application is not ok yet, it will still give failure to build. So, follow the steps below.

Open the project in the IDE

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Open the pom.xml file and review the user settings and application password

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At this moment we do not have the files of our application. That is the reason why it still does not build.

Execute the following maven command

mvn ceap:download-jar

Everything should build fine now, but there is still some files missing

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To download the web source code you must run the following maven command

mvn ceap:download-mapping

Now you can see the project sources

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